You can open a Mobile Locker presentation from another iOS app

iOS apps have the ability to communicate with each other via URL scheme and protocol. To communicate with Mobile Locker, you must create an appropriately formatted URL and ask iOS to open it.

The x-callback-url Specification

The Mobile Locker URL scheme is mobilelocker and adheres to the x-callback-url specification, which looks like this.

[scheme]://[host]/[action]?[x-callback parameters]&[action parameters]

Read more about the x-callback-url specification on its website.

Open a Mobile Locker presentation from another app

mobilelocker://x-callback-url/open-presentation?[x-callback parameters]&presentation_id=[presentation_id]

Replace [presentation_id] with the unique ID of the presentation from the Mobile Locker admin portal.


Get the presentation ID from the URL.

You can open a Mobile Locker presentation from any application by using the URL scheme above, but some applications have more functionality:

Opening a presentation from Synergistix CATS


Open the main screen

You can open the main screen from another app like this:


Open a folder

You can open a specific folder like this:


Get the folder ID from the URL in the admin site.